Lake Toya is located at south-west of Hokkaido.
Its nature is a mixture of Hokkaido and Honshu(main land Japan), that makes it more complexed when you look at them.

We have started our guiding service from 2002.
Our tour is focused on the four seasons of nature, "the way it was, the way it is"
We also try our guests to feel its slow-tempo. when you are submerged in this quiet scenery.
That is why we acturally "live" here throughout the year, so that we can show you
the joy and happiness of being here.

Sometimes seasons, flowers just fly by, one moment and it is gone.
Let us feel this excitement throuh our activities, local food, and its scenery.
We hope to see you soon.

[Have Fun at lake Toya!]

Toya guide center

owner Yuji Ogawa

洞爺ガイドセンター 小川


193-8 Toya, Toyako, Hokkaido, Japan 049-5902

Guide`s background

1973-94Born and raised in Niigata prefecture,
 where rice, water and sake is famous.
 Also famous for ski areas, lots of them.
 You can guess what do I like to eat, drink and do…
1994-97Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. United States.
 Majored in Rangeland Ecosystem Science.
 I.e. a major to become a scientific rancher, or cowboy with knowledge.
 Also learned how to: drink lots of beer, camp, ski, snowboard,
 horseride, shoot, party, etc.etc. Of course studied “a lot”.
 Rocky Mountain National park, lots of other nature state parks to enjoy!
 Some of the concepts, words are still,,,,, in my brain somewhere.
1998International Outdoor Adventure(I.O.A.) Tours. Bozeman, Mt.
 Helping Japanese owner/guide in many ways; cook, clean, walk a huge
 dog, of course helped planning, guiding Japanese guests for
 skiing/horseback week-long camping, corporate study trips etc.
 Got acquainted with Native Americans, too!
 Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Glacier and Waterton National parks. Big Skycountry!!
2000Started career in Hokkaido nature as winter nature guide in ski areas.
Time to learn and adjust knowledge from N.America to N.Japan.
2002Moved to lake Toya, started “Toya Guide Center”


<Guiding lisence>
 Hokkaido outdoor guide(Master-nature guide, canoe guide)
<First Aid Trainings>
 MEDIC First Aid® MFA Child-care-Plus
 RESCUE3JAPAN SRT-1(Swiftwater Rescue Technician)
 Japan Safe Paddling Association SRP(rescue program)
 Project WILD Educator
 JSPO(Japan Sport Association) Certified Canoe Instructors
 Mt. Usu volcano meister


Hokkaido Experience Sightseeing Promotion Conference, Director
Hokkaido outdoor guide Examiner for nature guide
・Ministry of the Environment Volunteer Warden
Toyako Onsen Tourist Association Director
Mt. Usu volcano meister Examiner
Toya-Usu UNESCO Global Geopark Guiding committee, chairman
 Special feature : Guided tours that free your stress with soft-adventure
International Nature and Outdoor Activity college outdoor sports special lecturer