
・For all tours

Here are the things you need to know for all tours.
(Health Information, Monthly average temp , Cancel and refund policy, FAQs)

Recommended outfit, things to bring

We prepare Personal Floating Device(PFD) for everyone. Please wear on your clothes.
・Please be responsible for your other belongings.

Clothing recommendation: Summer

・Quick drying shirt and pants(No-Jeans)
 Long-sleeve rash guard, tights. Some wear swim wear under clothes.
・Polyester(not cotton) pants are recommended.
・Sunglasses, Hat/Cap(UV protection)
・Sports shoes/sandals that are OK to get wet.(this is water activity)
※We have free-rental Crocs type sandals at sight. Please choose ones close to your size.

Clothing recommendation: Spring/Autumn

・Quick drying inner, fleece vest/jacket, polyester pants, rainwear.
・Sunglasses, Hat/Cap(UV protection)
・Sports shoes/sandals that are OK to get wet.(this is water activity)
※We have free-rental Crocs type sandals at sight. Please choose ones close to your size.

Clothes we do not recommend.

・Not recommended: Jeans, skirts, leather shoes, expensive(not waterproof) watch.
・Jeans are not safe on water; get heavy and stiff to move when wet.

Things convenient for outdoor activity

・Camera, Water, Hat, Towel, Changing clothes, Sunscreen
・Changing clothes, Swimsuit
 You can swim in water with no hesitation(summer time).
 We recommend you to bring extra clothes just in case if you flip your canoe/SUP.
・People with glasses/contact lense.
 We have some spare glass-strap at sight, better not lose your contact lense in water.
・People with motion-sickness(especially sea-sickness)
 Please prepare medicine for motion sickness if you are worried.
 →Canoe is just floating on water. It moves, swings when you move in the boat.
  Some people become sick even when lake is perfectly calm, because of your own movement, or just by watching water.
・We have one-8L-drybag for every canoe as a free rental.
 It`s just enough to fit your wallet, smartphone, car-key and compact digital camera.
 You can pack and bring this bag to your canoe.
 ※ This is "just a water-proof bag", there is no shock-protection.
 ※Please keep it safe as your responsibility.
 ※Extra bag rental is available for 300 JPY ea.
  Please notify staff if you like to bring your SLR.

Acknowledgement of Risks form / Accident Insurance

・All participants need to read and understand our "Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk form".
 Please print, sign and hand in when we meet. You can download at bottom on this page.

・Our insurance information is also shown in the form.

Place to meet

・Place to meet
 There are four possible scenarios; the guide will decide and e-mail you the day before your tour.

・Our vehicle
 Photo of our vehicle is attached on "Meeting location" PDF for easy eye-catch.

A) weather is fine, wind from South with some waves, so we go as planned

 Ukimidou parking (浮見堂公園駐車場)



B) weather is fine, but wind from North, and waves on lake

Takarada campground parking(財田キャンプ場駐車場)


C) weather is fine, but wind from East, and waves on lake

 Takino ue area (滝ノ上駐車場)


D) weather not suitable for canoeing

 ->Tour will be cancelled, your payment will be fully refunded

 (some transaction fee will be subducted by credit company)

People without cars

You need to use A)public bus or B)taxi/cab

A) public bus( Do-nan bus) : 600 JPY oneway

・Here are timetable for do-nan bus coming to our area. It departs from bus terminal @ lake Toya hotsprings.(Toya Sales Office 0142-75-2351)

・Bus going to Sapporo station also stops near our area, 水の駅(Mizu-no-eki), this needs reservation at least 2 hours before departure.For English speakers, please go to bus terminal for reservation.

- Lake Toya bus terminal - Toya Mizu no Eki : 600 JPY/ea.
- Lake Toya bus terminal - Toya Mizu no Ekno Ie : 570 JPY/ea.

Lake Toya bus terminal → Toya Mizu no Eki (Bold line needs reservation till 2 hours before departure)
Toyako OnsenIkoi-no-ieToya mizunoeki
7:10(Lake Toya-Sapporo route)7:29
7:45(Lake Toya-Iwaya route)8:068:13
9:50(Lake Toya-Sapporo route)10:09
13:00(Lake Toya-Iwaya route)13:2113:28
Toya Mizu no Eki→Lake Toya bus terminal (Bold line needs reservation till 2 hours before departure)
Toya mizunoekiIkoi-no-ieToyako Onsen
13:49(Sapporo–Lake Toya route)14:10
13:53(Iwaya-Lake Toya route)13:5614:21
16:39(Sapporo–Lake Toya route)17:00
17:28(Iwaya-Lake Toya route)17:3117:58

B) Taxi/cab (Reservation necessary)

Approx. fare would be around 4500 JPY oneway.
You need to reserve the ride.

TOYA    DONANTAXY 0142-75-2277

・MEISEI TAXY 0142-75-2266
 Toya Sales Office(next to the Toyako Onsen bus station)

Participation with dogs

・All dogs need to wear life jacket when participating canoe tour.
・We have dog float rental for 500 JPY a piece, please ask for details.
・Our insurance does not cover dogs, please find pet insurance on your own.
